Sunday, January 24, 2010

What are Computer Viruses?

Computer viruses are programs written by "mean" people. These virus programs are placed into a commonly used program so that program will run the attached virus program as it boots, therefore, it is said that the virus "infects" the executable file or program. Executable files include Macintosh "system files" [such as system extensions, INITs and control panels] and application programs [such as word processing programs and spreadsheet programs.] Viruses work the same ways in Windows or DOS machines by infecting zip or exe files.

A virus is inactive until you execute an infected program or application OR start your computer from a disk that has infected system files. Once a virus is active, it loads into your computer's memory and may save itself to your hard drive or copies itself to applications or system files on disks you use.

Some viruses are programmed specifically to damage the data on your computer by corrupting programs, deleting files, or even erasing your entire hard drive. Many viruses do nothing more than display a message or make sounds / verbal comments at a certain time or a programming event after replicating themselves to be picked up by other users one way or another. Other viruses make your computer's system behave erratically or crash frequently. Sadly many people who have problems or frequent crashes using their computers do not realize that they have a virus and live with the inconveniences.